A weekend event designed to deepen your relationship with God and your small group! Come and find out how the Lord wants to use This Generation to engage the world and make a difference. This is going to be best weekend of the year for 6th through 8th graders.
Friday March 28th - 7-10pm (Doors Open at 6pm)
Saturday March 29th - 10am-10pm
Sunday March 30th - 10am-12pm
Included in the price of All In is the cost to put on the event, plus three meals on Saturday and breakfast on Sunday.
Cost: $100 includes T-shirt
Doors open at 6pm on Friday March 28th. The program is from 7pm to 10pm. You'll pick up/drop off your student at the Hub lobby throughout the weekend.
Saturday the services are from 10am to 10pm.
Sunday the whole family is invited to join us from 10am to 12pm as we have breakfast together and worship together in our main service!
Follow us on social media @doxologyyouth for more info!
If you have any questions, please email
Joshua Ward (jward@doxology.church)!
6:30 pm
Whether your marriage needs restoration or refinement, re|engage groups offer hope to marriages by helping couples move toward oneness through stories of grace, teaching and small groups. This ministry is geared to help couples of all ages and stages grow in God's plan for marriage.
Wednesday, January 15 - April 16
6:30 pm
Divorce Care is a weekly support group. You'll find it to be a caring environment led by people who have been through divorce and successfully rebuilt their lives. Please feel free to join us as you deal with the hurt caused by separation or divorce. Children's ministry available with prior reservation.
See More Upcoming