Have a need or burden on your heart? We’re here for you. Share your prayer request, and our team will pray specifically for you. No request is too big or small—we believe in the power of prayer!
Passionate about prayer? Join our Prayer Ministry and help lift up the needs of our church and city. Together, we’ll seek God’s guidance, healing, and hope for those around us. Let’s make an eternal impact through prayer!
Pray:Doxology is a Mid-Week/Mid-Day prayer opportunity. The heart behind it is to provide an environment that is devoted to prayer, while being a good environment for a person to develop in prayer, as we contend for spiritual movement in our own hearts, awakening in our city, and revival in our world.
After every Sunday morning service, our elders and their wives are available at the front of the auditorium to pray with and for you. Whether you’re facing a challenge, celebrating a joy, or simply need encouragement, they’re here to listen and lift you up in prayer.