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October 15, 2024

Short Term Missions

Rob James

The Vacation Bible School was a resounding success for its first run, and we have no doubt that God was behind it all. Everyone came back with a renewed perspective, realizing that mission trips don’t just change the lives of those we serve—they transform the hearts of those who go.

This summer, Kay Hine joined a mission trip to Nagoya, Japan, where our team helped set up a Vacation Bible School at the Mustard Seed Christian Church. This trip wasn't just about helping children learn about God. Instead, it also aimed to connect Christian and non-Christian women from the community.

One of the most meaningful experiences for Kay was witnessing believing and non-believing women as they formed new relationships. Kay says that "though we didn’t speak Japanese fluently, the local Christian women were able to engage their neighbors, opening up conversations and building connections. This was a huge answer to prayer, as we had hoped to create an environment where both Christian and non-Christian women could mingle."

"During the trip, we were invited into the home of a local pastor who shared his testimony. Hearing his story, knowing that only 1% of Japan’s population is Christian, deeply impacted me. It reminded me how rare the opportunity to hear about Christ is for many people in Japan, a country often referred to as a “missionary graveyard.”

This mission trip also made me more aware of the spiritual needs around me at home. Whether we're called to serve abroad or support others from afar, the urgency of spreading the gospel is clear. The trip not only strengthened the church in Nagoya but also taught me the importance of relying on God daily.

Mustard Seed's VBS was a resounding success for its first run, and we have no doubt that God was behind it all. Everyone came back with a renewed perspective, realizing that mission trips don’t just change the lives of those we serve—they transform the hearts of those who go." Kay Hine

For more information about Doxology Short Term Missions, click here!