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October 6, 2024

Chris Freeland


"You no longer have to live how you used to live because you’re no longer who you used to be."

Life often feels like a battle between who we want to be and who we’ve been. Even after putting our trust in Christ, we sometimes find ourselves stuck in old habits, doubts, or anxieties. Paul’s words in Colossians 3 remind us that living the filled-full life is about more than a one-time moment of belief—it’s about growing into the new reality that Jesus has secured for us.

Paul tells us to “set our hearts on things above” and “set our minds on things above,” because when we fix our eyes on Christ, we begin to see life differently. Just like a rescue dog learning to trust its new, loving master, we have to learn to trust the One who has brought us into a new identity and family. It’s not about earning His love or living out of fear of punishment, but about embracing the freedom to live fully in our new reality.

He addresses two powerful areas—sex and anger—because they are primal instincts that, when out of bounds, can be destructive. But the filled-full life in Christ changes everything. It transforms our instincts and impulses from destructive patterns to life-giving ones. It’s not easy, and sometimes it’s uncomfortable, like setting a dislocated shoulder back into place. But as we trust Jesus step by step, setting our minds and hearts on Him, we begin to live more like the people we were created to be—filled-full, not out of fear but out of the freedom and love He offers.

Reflection Questions

  1. What old habits or patterns do you find yourself going back to, even though you know you have a new identity in Christ?
  2. Where is your mind and heart set—on things above or on the worries and desires of the world around you? How might you begin to shift that focus?
  3. What would it look like for you to take a small step of trust today, believing that Jesus is leading you to a life that’s more filled-full than you’ve imagined?