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September 29, 2024

Chris Freeland


"The heart of the Christian faith is not to make bad people behave, but to make spiritually dead people alive and invite them to live the filled-full life."

Have you ever tried to get in shape, only to feel overwhelmed by all the advice, diets, and workouts people suggest? Spiritually, it can feel the same. You trust Jesus, but as life goes on, you start hearing voices that say you need to do more, feel more, or give up more to truly be right with God. It’s easy to get caught up in trying to perform your way into God’s approval. But Paul’s words in Colossians 2 offer a life-changing reminder: the same way you received Christ—by faith and with open, empty hands—is the same way you continue to live in Him.

Paul warns against three traps: legalism, where we think our standing with God depends on what we do; mysticism, where we rely on emotional experiences to prove we’re close to God; and asceticism, where we think sacrificing joy will somehow please God more. All of these have the appearance of wisdom, but none can give us the filled-full life we’re after. Why? Because the filled-full life is found only in Christ.

Just as we received Jesus by faith, we walk in Him by faith. We are rooted and nourished by Him, built up by His strength, not by our effort. And when we realize that Jesus has already secured everything for us, our lives overflow with gratitude. That’s the secret to spiritual growth—not striving or earning, but living in the fullness of Christ, who offers us the gift of life every single day.

Reflection Questions

  1. Where have you been tempted to believe that your standing with God depends on your effort, feelings, or sacrifices?
  2. Are there areas in your life where you’ve been searching for fullness in places other than Christ? What are they?
  3. How can you shift your focus to living with gratitude, knowing that your filled-full life is already secured in Christ?