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September 22, 2024

Chris Freeland


"The highest mark of filled-fullness is the confidence to self-empty in real time."

Ever feel like you’re running on empty, constantly trying to fill yourself up but never quite getting there? We all seem to have that imaginary “fill-to” line, striving for a life that feels complete and full, yet we often find ourselves falling short. And no matter how hard we try—whether through success, relationships, or experiences—life seems to leak out faster than we can fill it. But what if there’s a different way to experience the full life?

In his letter to the Colossians, Paul talks about a life that’s truly filled-full, a life found only in Christ. He reminds us that fullness isn’t something you grasp once and then move on from; it’s a gift that keeps growing as you live in Christ and rely on Him. But here's the surprising part: the most filled-full people are the ones who are willing to pour themselves out. Paul talks about rejoicing in his sufferings, not because suffering is fun, but because when we step into discomfort for the sake of others, we experience a deeper fullness that won’t leak.

It’s counterintuitive, but think about it—life isn’t truly full when we’re safe and comfortable on the sidelines. It’s full when we step onto the field, endure a little pressure, and live out the love, grace, and truth that Christ has already poured into us. And when we do, others get to experience that fullness too. So where are you holding back? What would it look like to trust God’s promise of a filled-full life enough to risk a little discomfort for someone else?

Reflection Questions

  1. Where in your life do you feel like you're striving to stay full, but it keeps leaking out?
  2. What areas of discomfort or pressure is God inviting you into so that others might experience the fullness of Christ through you?
  3. How does knowing that Jesus is your source of fullness change the way you approach everyday challenges and relationships?