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September 15, 2024

Chris Freeland


"Life always leaks through the same lies, but the designer stepped into history to fix the holes and invite us into a life that doesn’t leak."

Have you ever felt like life is leaking out faster than you can fill it up? You try to keep everything in balance—work, relationships, faith—and just when you think you’re close to being “full,” something happens that drains you all over again. It’s exhausting, isn’t it? This constant juggling act to plug all the leaks leaves us feeling twisted up, drained, and contorted, trying to hold it all together.

But what if we’ve been going about this the wrong way? Paul’s letter to the Colossians gives us a profound answer to why the “filled-full life” keeps leaking. He points back to Genesis, where humanity, created in God's image, enjoyed a life of fullness. But when we believed the lies that God was holding back good from us, that we knew better than Him, and that we could live without Him, everything started to leak. It’s the same pattern we see today. Whenever we try to find life outside of God’s design, we’ll always end up drained.

The good news? Jesus is the image of God, the perfect example of a full-filled life. He lived and died to reconcile us to God and to show us what life in its fullest looks like. He went first to repair the leaks in our lives, not just by patching the holes but by inviting us to live in Him completely. Only when we place Jesus first and foremost in every part of our lives—our schedules, spending, and even our stress—can we experience the kind of life that doesn’t drain away.

So, where are you leaking? Where are you still believing the lie that fullness can be found outside of Him? It’s not about trying harder or feeling guiltier. It’s about letting the truth of who Jesus is fill the gaps and lead you into the life you were always meant to live.

Reflection Questions

  1. Where in your life are you tempted to believe that God is holding you back from what is best for you?
  2. How do your current priorities—your schedule, spending, or stress—reveal areas where you’ve placed something else before Jesus?
  3. What steps can you take to shift from trying to plug the leaks to fully trusting Jesus as the source of your fullness?