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September 1, 2024

Jay Felker


"God made us for each other and to function together for the good of the whole."

We all crave community. It’s why we’re drawn to TV shows like Friends or Cheers, where we see people living in tight-knit groups, supporting one another through thick and thin. That desire for connection isn’t just a quirk of human nature – it’s how God designed us. He didn’t intend for us to live in isolation, just like He said in Genesis, “It is not good for man to be alone.”

In 1 Peter 2, we’re reminded of what true community looks like. We’re not just a collection of individuals who happen to worship the same God; we’re stones being built into a spiritual house, with Jesus as our foundation and each of us connected to one another. This community isn’t just a feel-good group or a social club – it’s essential for our growth and spiritual health.

We were never meant to go it alone, even when the world around us pushes us toward isolation or superficial relationships. It’s tempting to stick with casual friendships or online connections, but deep, authentic community requires vulnerability and intentionality. It’s about letting others into our lives, struggles, and joys, and being there for them in the same way.

Being part of a community also means we have a purpose beyond ourselves. We’re called to show others the love and grace we’ve experienced in Christ. True Christian community is always looking outward, inviting others to experience the same belonging and transformation we have found. This isn’t easy – it requires sacrifice and selflessness – but the reward is far greater than what we give up.

We have an eternal connection with one another in Christ. The friendships and community we build now aren’t just for this life; they’re a glimpse of the eternal fellowship we’ll have forever. So let’s live out that vision of community now, knowing that it’s what we were created for.

Reflection Questions

  1. In what ways have you felt the longing for deeper community, and how have you tried to fill that desire in your life?
  2. How can you invite others into your community to experience the love and belonging that comes from being united in Christ?
  3. What is one practical step you can take this week to invest more intentionally in the relationships God has placed in your life?