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January 12, 2025

Chris Freeland


"There is nothing so broken that Jesus can’t fix it. That He can’t restore it. Jesus is in the business of bringing life out of death, wholeness out of brokenness, and renewal out of your deepest despair."

When Life Feels Too Broken to Fix

Most of us start a new year hoping for change. Whether we call them resolutions, goals, or just a desire for something better, we set out with high hopes that this year will be different. But for many, it doesn’t take long before the cracks start showing. Maybe we’re trying to rebuild something that’s been broken for a long time—a struggling marriage, a wounded heart, a shattered dream. And eventually, we reach a point where we wonder, Is this too broken to fix?

Matthew 9 gives us two stories—two very different people who had reached that exact place. A desperate father whose daughter had just died. A lonely, suffering woman who had been bleeding for twelve years. Both of them had tried everything. They were out of options, out of resources, out of hope.

And then, they turned to Jesus.

What we see in these stories is not just that Jesus can heal and restore, but how He does it.

Jesus Is Available to You

When Jairus, the desperate father, came to Jesus, notice how Jesus responded: “Jesus got up and went with him”(Matthew 9:19). He didn’t hesitate. He didn’t make Jairus prove he was worthy of His time. He simply got up and went.

Jesus is never too busy, too distant, or too distracted for your brokenness. Whatever you’re facing, you don’t have to fix yourself before coming to Him. He is available and willing to walk with you through it.

Jesus Is Affectionate Toward You

The second person in this story is a woman who had been suffering for twelve years—physically in pain, socially isolated, spiritually unclean. She reached out in faith, hoping just to touch Jesus’ cloak.

And Jesus didn’t just heal her. He saw her. He turned to her and said, “Take heart, daughter” (Matthew 9:22).


The only time in the Gospels Jesus calls someone that. This wasn’t just physical healing—it was personal restoration. He wanted her to know she was loved, valued, and not forgotten.

If you feel unseen, unworthy, or beyond help, hear this: Jesus is affectionate toward you. He calls you daughter. He calls you son. You are never too far gone for His love.

Jesus Is Able to Restore You

The story ends with Jesus walking into a funeral. The girl was dead. The mourners had already arrived. And yet, Jesus says something shocking: “She is not dead but asleep” (Matthew 9:24).

They laughed at Him. Because, from every logical, physical, and medical standpoint, she was dead. But Jesus knew something they didn’t.

He took her hand and said, “Little girl, get up.” And she did.

Jesus is not only willing to meet us in our brokenness—He is able to restore us in ways we never thought possible.

Nothing Is Too Broken for Jesus

These two stories remind us that whatever is broken in our lives—whether it feels like a few cracks or a million shattered pieces—Jesus is not intimidated by it. He is available, affectionate, and able to restore what seems beyond repair.

And the greatest restoration of all? The resurrection He promises to those who trust Him. Because Jesus didn’t just heal sickness—He conquered death. He didn’t just mend temporary wounds—He made a way for eternal life.

So if you’re carrying something broken today, you don’t have to fix it on your own. Bring it to Jesus. He is in the business of making all things new.

Reflection Questions

  1. What areas of your life feel too broken to fix? How do these stories challenge your perspective?
  2. Do you struggle to believe that Jesus is available to you? How does seeing Him respond to Jairus and the woman help shape your view of Him?
  3. Jesus called the suffering woman daughter. What does it mean to you that God sees you that personally and intimately? How might that change the way you approach Him?