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August 25, 2024

Chris Freeland


"Divine invitations often come disguised as distractions."

In our fast-paced, over-scheduled lives, it’s easy to get caught up in the busyness of doing good things. We fill our days with activities, responsibilities, and even religious practices, all in an effort to live a life that honors God. But in the story of Mary and Martha, we see a powerful reminder that the best things can get lost in the noise of the good things.

Martha welcomed Jesus into her home, eager to serve Him and the people around her. She was doing exactly what many of us strive to do—taking care of others, meeting needs, and making sure everything was perfect. But in her busyness, she missed something crucial: the presence of Jesus right there with her. She was so focused on preparing everything for Him that she overlooked the opportunity to simply be with Him.

On the other hand, Mary chose to sit at Jesus' feet, soaking in His words, and focusing on His presence. It wasn’t that Martha’s work was wrong—it was that she allowed it to pull her away from the one thing that mattered most. Jesus gently reminded her, and us, that while many things might feel necessary, only one thing truly is: being present with Him.

This story challenges us to audit our attention. What are the things in your life that are pulling you in different directions, leaving you feeling distracted, anxious, or even resentful? Are you so caught up in doing things for God that you’re missing out on being with Him?

It’s not about abandoning your responsibilities or neglecting the needs around you. It’s about prioritizing the presence of God in every moment, allowing His presence to fuel everything else. When we connect with Him first, all those other things fall into place. Our influence in the world around us becomes a natural overflow of our time spent in His presence.

As you head into a new semester, a new job, or simply a new week, take time to pause and acknowledge the presence of God right where you are. Let Him guide your steps, and allow His presence to be the power behind everything you do. Don’t settle for a life of disconnected busyness. Instead, choose the better portion, and let that choice transform every aspect of your life.

Reflection Questions

  1. In what areas of your life do you feel distracted or pulled apart, like Martha? How can you refocus on the presence of Jesus in those moments?
  2. How can you incorporate regular rhythms of acknowledging God's presence into your daily life?
  3. What might it look like for you to choose "the better portion" this week, prioritizing your time with Jesus over the busyness of life?