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August 4, 2024

Chris Freeland


"Your influence is chipping away at the hold of the enemy—one piece of good news at a time."

We all have those moments where the idea of sharing our faith feels like standing at the base of a roller coaster, staring up at that first massive drop. The fear can be overwhelming—what if we say the wrong thing? What if they shut us down? But just like the rush you get after surviving that first terrifying plunge, there’s a profound joy waiting on the other side of that fear.

Jesus understood this. He sent out ordinary people like you and me, not just to be good neighbors or kind friends, but to share the life-changing message of His love. And He knew that the journey from fear to joy often begins with a simple step of trust—trust that He’s in control, that He’s already at work in the lives of those we’re called to influence, and that our role is just to be willing.

We often hesitate because we’re afraid of the unknown. But what if we began to see those moments of fear as opportunities for joy? The same way a roller coaster moves from terrifying to exhilarating in just seconds, our obedience in sharing our faith can move us from fear to overwhelming joy. Jesus promised that the harvest is plentiful, meaning there are countless people ready to say "yes" to the life He offers—they’re just waiting for someone to invite them.

So, what’s holding you back? Maybe it’s time to take that small, scary step—whether it’s starting a conversation with a neighbor, inviting a friend to lunch, or simply asking someone what role faith plays in their life. Trust that on the other side of that fear, there’s a joy that Jesus Himself rejoices in, a joy that’s contagious and transformative. Don’t miss out on the chance to be part of something extraordinary, something that not only changes others but fills your own life with the joy that comes from being used by God.

Reflection Questions

  1. When was the last time you felt fear or hesitation about sharing your faith? What steps can you take to move past that fear?
  2. Can you identify a moment when you experienced joy after stepping out of your comfort zone for God? How can that memory encourage you to take similar steps in the future?
  3. Who in your life might be ready to hear about Jesus, and what small step can you take this week to share your faith with them?