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July 28, 2024

Chris Freeland


"The one message that can influence the world for Good with a capital G, Jesus put in the hands of ordinary people."

In a world that seems to be in a constant state of crisis, it's easy to believe that the task of making a difference is reserved for professionals or those with specialized training. We often look to pastors, missionaries, or those with theological degrees to carry the weight of the spiritual needs around us. But when we dig into Luke 10, we find a different narrative—a narrative where Jesus entrusts the responsibility of spreading His message to ordinary people. This is the call to raise our "Influence Quotient."

Jesus knew the challenges His followers would face. He understood the cultural and political turbulence of His time, and yet, He didn’t see the world as a lost cause. Instead, He saw an opportunity—fields ripe for harvest, waiting for workers willing to step into the mission. But here's the catch: the workers He called weren’t just the twelve disciples we hear so much about. Jesus called seventy-two others—people like you and me—to go ahead of Him, preparing hearts to meet Him.

This isn’t a task limited to those with special qualifications. It’s an invitation extended to every believer to take personal action. Jesus is sending each of us into our everyday environments—our neighborhoods, workplaces, and social circles—with a simple but profound mission. Begin with prayer, listen to the needs around you, share a meal, serve in practical ways, and, most importantly, share the good news of Jesus.

The beauty of this mission is its simplicity. You don't need to be a theologian or a trained evangelist. You just need to be willing. Willing to see the world through Jesus' eyes and take small, intentional steps to connect the people around you to Him. Imagine the impact we could have if each of us took this call seriously. The harvest is plentiful, and Jesus is ready to meet those who are searching—all He asks is that we go where He sends us.

Reflection Questions

  1. How often do you find yourself relying on "the pros" to meet the spiritual needs around you, rather than stepping into those opportunities yourself?
  2. In what ways can you begin to intentionally pray for and engage with your neighbors, coworkers, or friends who might be searching for the hope that Jesus offers?
  3. What practical steps can you take this week to listen, serve, or share a meal with someone in your community, as a way to point them to Jesus?