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March 17, 2024

Chris Freeland


"Not only does Jesus love flawed, quirky, broken people – they’re the only ones that He came for."

Have you ever felt like a misfit? Like you don't quite measure up to the purpose you believe you’re supposed to fulfill? The city of Philadelphia in Revelation 3 is a perfect example of this feeling. Once designed to be a grand gateway city, its reality was one of disappointment and broken dreams. Yet, Jesus sees beyond the surface, acknowledging our struggles and weaknesses and reminding us of our true worth and purpose.

Philadelphia, with its fertile land yet shattered infrastructure, symbolizes many of our lives. We may feel fertile with potential, yet circumstances and self-doubt can leave us feeling broken and unused. But Jesus’s letter to the Philadelphians is a powerful reminder that what seems broken to us can be used mightily in His hands. Jesus holds the key, giving us access and authority, opening doors we thought were permanently shut.

Living in today’s world, we might confuse our earthly accomplishments with our divine purpose. The reminder from Revelation 3 is clear: it’s not about our strength or our perceived failures but about God’s authority and our willingness to walk through the doors He opens. Even if we see ourselves as misfits, Jesus sees us as perfect for the mission.

Think about the keys we hold in our lives. They symbolize access and authority, often limited to certain areas. Jesus, however, holds the master key. He offers us access to His kingdom, and through Him, we have the authority to proclaim His good news. We are placed exactly where we need to be to fulfill His purpose, no matter how unqualified we feel.

Imagine the impact of seeing our flaws as features in God’s plan. The church in Philadelphia did just that, becoming a stronghold for spreading the gospel despite their limitations. Their endurance and faithfulness were celebrated, showing us that steadfastness in God’s purpose leads to eternal stability and recognition.

Today, reflect on the doors you believe are closed in your life. Consider if they are truly locked or if Jesus has already opened them, waiting for you to step through in faith. Your quirks and flaws might be exactly what someone needs to see to understand the beauty of God’s kingdom. You are perfectly designed and positioned for His purpose, right where you are.

Reflection Questions

  1. What areas in your life feel like closed doors, and how might Jesus be inviting you to see them as opportunities?
  2. How can you shift your perspective to see your flaws and quirks as part of God’s perfect design for your purpose?
  3. In what ways can you embrace and utilize the authority and access Jesus has given you to proclaim His good news in your community?