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February 25, 2024

Chris Freeland


"The stakes are too high to let compromise become commonplace for any of us."

In our journey through life, it's easy to become comfortable with small compromises, letting them slip into our daily routines without a second thought. The church in Pergamum faced this very issue, being surrounded by a culture rich in political power, education, and holistic well-being. They began to normalize deviance, small compromises that seemed harmless but gradually led them astray from their faith and integrity.

We find ourselves in a similar situation today. We live in a world where political maneuvers, access to endless information, and a pursuit of personal well-being are at the forefront of our culture. Just like the people of Pergamum, we can easily fall into the trap of compromising our values and beliefs for the sake of convenience or gain.

Jesus' message to Pergamum is a powerful reminder for us. He warns against the normalization of deviance, urging us to examine our hearts and lives for areas where we might be compromising. Whether it’s in our pursuit of power, our handling of money, or our sexual ethics, these small deviations can lead to significant consequences if left unchecked.

The illustration of the Space Shuttle Columbia's disaster is a stark example. A small piece of foam breaking off the fuel tank didn't seem like a big deal at first, but over time, these small incidents led to a catastrophic failure. Similarly, our small compromises might not seem significant now, but they can lead us down a path we never intended to take.

So, what do we do when we recognize these compromises? Jesus invites us to repent, which means to change our focus and fix our eyes on Him. He promises abundance, approval, and a new identity if we turn to Him. This means trusting that He will provide for our needs, offer forgiveness, and give us a secure identity in Him.

Let’s take a moment to reflect on our lives. Are there areas where we’ve normalized deviance? Have we compromised our integrity for the sake of power, money, or acceptance? If so, Jesus invites us to turn back to Him, to realign our focus, and to find true fulfillment in His promises.

In doing so, we can avoid the catastrophic consequences of our compromises and live in the abundance, approval, and identity that Jesus offers. Let's take this opportunity to inspect our hearts and make the necessary changes to stay on the right path.

Reflection Questions

  1. Are there areas in your life where you’ve made small compromises that could lead to larger consequences over time? What steps can you take to address these compromises today?
  2. How does the pursuit of power, money, or acceptance influence your decisions and actions? In what ways can you shift your focus to align more closely with Jesus' teachings?
  3. What does repentance mean to you, and how can you actively incorporate this practice into your daily life to avoid the normalization of deviance?