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February 18, 2024

Chris Freeland


"When you squeeze a jelly donut, jelly comes out of it, because jelly is what’s inside it. What comes out of you under pressure?"

In our series “Dear Future Church,” we’re diving into the letters Jesus wrote to seven churches, drawing wisdom from their experiences. Today, we focus on the church in Smyrna. Smyrna faced immense pressure and suffering, yet it received encouragement rather than correction from Jesus. This town’s name, meaning “bitter,” hints at something deeper. When crushed, the myrrh tree, from which the name derives, releases a precious, sweet perfume. Similarly, when Smyrna was under pressure, what came out was faithfulness and strength.

Reflect on this: what comes out of you under pressure? It's easy to react negatively when life squeezes us—whether it’s through family, work, health, or societal pressures. But, as with the jelly donut analogy, pressure reveals what’s inside. For the believers in Smyrna, it was their steadfast faith.

Jesus’ message to Smyrna emphasizes three reassurances. First, He is the First and the Last, the beginning and the end. Whatever we face, Jesus has already been there and will see us through it. This promise invites us to trust Him even when the future looks uncertain.

Second, Jesus knows our struggles intimately. He sees the secret places of our suffering and sacrifice. This awareness can transform our response to hardship, knowing that nothing escapes His notice.

Lastly, Jesus has conquered all. His victory over death and suffering assures us that our worst-case scenarios are temporary, and our eternal hope is secure. Even when pressured, we can hold onto this truth and let it shape our reactions.

Polycarp, a leader from Smyrna, exemplified this. Under the threat of death, he refused to renounce his faith, demonstrating that his inner conviction was stronger than external pressures. His steadfastness, even to the point of martyrdom, is a powerful reminder that when our faith is deeply rooted, it will shine through in the toughest times.

So, as we go about our lives, facing various pressures, let’s remember that what comes out of us reflects what’s inside us. Let’s fill ourselves with the hope and truth of Jesus, ensuring that when we are pressed, His love and faithfulness will be what emerges.

Reflection Questions

  1. When you face pressure or difficult circumstances, what typically comes out of you? How can you cultivate a response that reflects faith and trust in Jesus?
  2. How does knowing that Jesus is the First and the Last, and that He sees all your struggles, change the way you handle suffering and challenges in your life?
  3. Polycarp’s unwavering faith under extreme pressure is inspiring. What steps can you take to deepen your faith so that you remain steadfast, regardless of the trials you face?