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July 21, 2024

Lucas Randall


"Faith formation is ultimately a function of the family. We can outsource a lot of things in the lives of our children, but we cannot outsource their spiritual development."

Growing up, my experiences with church were sporadic at best, from attending a musty Sunday School class in a small rural church to experiencing the grandiosity of a Roman Catholic Mass. It wasn’t until my teenage years that church became a meaningful part of my life, a place where I felt a sense of belonging even before fully understanding my faith. This journey led me to a significant passage in the Bible, Mark 12:28-30, where Jesus emphasizes the greatest commandment: to love God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength.

This commandment, initially quoted by Moses in Deuteronomy 6:4-5, underscores the importance of loving God wholly and passing this love onto the next generation. As we navigate our roles within our families, it's crucial to recognize that discipleship starts at home. We can't delegate this responsibility. Faith formation happens through daily interactions, conversations, and the modeling of our own spiritual journeys.

In Deuteronomy 6:6-9, Moses urges the Israelites to impress these commandments on their children, to talk about them in everyday life, and to make them a visible part of their homes. This approach is not about perfection but about intentionality. Whether it’s sharing a Bible story during bedtime, discussing moral decisions over dinner, or letting your kids see you pray, these moments shape their spiritual foundation.

For those who may feel unprepared or inadequate for this task, take heart. You don’t have to be perfect or have all the answers. Simply being one step ahead in your faith journey allows you to guide others. Engage in faith conversations naturally, live out your beliefs visibly, and invite your children into your spiritual practices.

Family discipleship is a continuous, relational process. It's about integrating faith into the rhythm of your daily life, ensuring that your children see and experience the love of God consistently. As we strive to lead our families spiritually, let's remember that we are not alone. Our community and church are here to support and walk alongside us.

Let's commit to one actionable step this week to deepen our family's faith journey, whether it’s establishing a regular devotional time, praying together, or simply having more faith-informed conversations. Together, we can nurture a generation that knows and loves Jesus, impacting their lives and the world around them.

Reflection Questions

  1. How can you intentionally incorporate discussions about faith and God’s commandments into your daily family routines?
  2. In what ways can you model your faith to your children or the younger generation in your community?
  3. What is one step you can take this week to enhance the spiritual development of your family or those you influence?