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June 23, 2024

Jay Felker


"Daniel’s example helps us see how we can be ready when that moment might come, and it’s not just something that we wait until, we can begin to follow that example whether you are a teen enjoying your summer working a part-time job or you are retired and nearing the fourth quarter of life and all the spaces in between."

When we envision our peak in life, many of us picture our 30s or 40s, achieving career goals and personal milestones. Rarely do we imagine our 80s as our prime. Yet, Daniel’s story in Daniel 6 challenges this notion, showcasing a life of faithful presence and growth, even in advanced age. His defining moment, the lions' den, happened when he was around 80 years old, highlighting that our most impactful moments can occur later in life if we remain steadfast in our faith.

Daniel lived through significant political upheaval. The Medo-Persian Empire overthrew Babylon, yet Daniel continued to distinguish himself with exceptional qualities, earning trust and responsibility even under a new regime. His excellence at work was evident; there was no corruption or negligence found in him. This integrity in his professional life is a reminder that our work ethic and integrity are crucial components of our witness.

Daniel’s story also teaches us to remain steady in the storm. When a decree prohibited prayer to anyone but the king, Daniel’s response was unwavering. He continued his practice of praying three times a day, as he had always done. This consistency in prayer, even under threat, exemplifies a deep trust in God’s sovereignty. It wasn’t about making a public statement but maintaining his relationship with God despite the crisis.

Finally, Daniel’s trust in God’s plan over his own is evident when he is thrown into the lions’ den. He doesn’t make a scene or protest the unfairness; he simply trusts. And God delivers him. This trust is a powerful testimony, impacting even King Darius, who later issues a decree recognizing the power and endurance of Daniel’s God.

Daniel’s faithful presence left a lasting mark, not just in his immediate context but for generations to come. As we reflect on his life, we are reminded that faithful presence is about daily integrity, steady devotion in the face of trials, and deep trust in God’s plan. Whether we are young or nearing the latter years of our life, we can all strive to live in such a way that our defining moments reflect a life devoted to God.

Reflection Questions

  1. In what areas of your life do you need to cultivate more integrity and excellence, like Daniel did in his professional duties?
  2. How can you develop a more consistent prayer life to remain steady in the storms of life?
  3. Reflect on a recent trial or challenge. How can you better trust in God’s plan over your own, following Daniel’s example of faith?