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June 16, 2024

Chris Freeland


"Daniel is showing us how to swim with Faithful Presence - at the intersection of Courage, Compassion, and Conviction."

Father’s Day is a reminder of the powerful impact that dads, granddads, and spiritual fathers have in our lives. They paint a picture of the Ultimate Father, both in their strengths and imperfections. This holiday, we are called to honor them for their holy calling and the ways they guide us.

Our series “Against the Current” explores how we can be a faithful presence in a world that often pulls against our values. Today, we delve into Daniel 4, where Nebuchadnezzar shares his transformation story, guided by Daniel's faithful presence. This narrative isn't about Daniel's greatness but about how he embodied courage, conviction, and compassion.

Like Daniel, we’re challenged to swim against the cultural currents around us. Whether it's political, social, sexual, or relational, our interactions often require us to hold firm to our beliefs while navigating challenging waters. Daniel’s approach in Daniel 4 offers us a model: he doesn't avoid difficult conversations, nor does he confront them violently. Instead, he balances courage to speak the truth, conviction in his beliefs, and compassion for the person he’s engaging with.

Daniel’s discernment allowed him to understand Nebuchadnezzar’s dreams and the implications behind them. His patience over years of service and interaction with the king demonstrated a consistent, not just intense, presence. Finally, Daniel’s invitation to hope showed Nebuchadnezzar a way forward, rooted in love and truth.

In our lives, we encounter situations where we must choose how to engage with those around us. Are we avoiding tough conversations, or are we engaging violently, causing harm? Daniel’s story reminds us that being a faithful presence means blending courage, conviction, and compassion. It means discerning the layers of our conversations and being patient, consistently showing up with love and truth.

Let’s take this to heart as we honor the fathers and father figures in our lives today. May we strive to swim with grace and strength, reflecting the Ultimate Father in all we do.

Reflection Questions

  1. In what areas of your life do you feel the strongest pull against the cultural current? How can you approach these areas with courage, conviction, and compassion?
  2. Think of a time when you avoided a difficult conversation. What held you back, and how might you approach it differently with the lessons from Daniel's story?
  3. How can you practice patience and discernment in your interactions with others, especially those who hold different beliefs or values?