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May 5, 2024

Chris Freeland


"If God’s for you, who can be against you? He didn’t spare His own Son. How will He not graciously give us everything?"

Reflecting on Romans 8:35-39, we're reminded of the unshakeable foundation of God's love. It’s easy to feel disconnected from God's love when life gets tough. We face pressures from all sides—work stress, family obligations, and personal struggles—that can make us feel squeezed, hemmed in, or even persecuted. We might think, “If I’m experiencing hardship, does that mean God’s love is waning?”

Paul’s words in Romans dismantle that misconception. The love of God is not conditional on our circumstances or performance. The trials and tribulations we face are not indicators of God’s absence but are instead opportunities to trust in His unchanging love. Paul asks rhetorically, "Who shall separate us from the love of Christ?" and follows with a powerful assurance that nothing in all creation can separate us from God's love.

Imagine climbing Mount Everest. Reaching the summit is rare, and the conditions are harsh, making it difficult to stay long. Yet, for those brief moments at the top, the view is breathtaking. Similarly, understanding and dwelling in the fullness of God's love can feel like reaching the summit. Life’s trials can pull us away, but Paul encourages us to keep returning to this pinnacle view: God’s love is constant and unyielding.

Consider this—God’s love isn’t based on our lovability or our ability to stay perfect. It’s a settled fact, demonstrated through Jesus Christ. This means that nothing—neither death, life, angels, demons, present, future, height, depth, nor any power—can sever us from this love. It’s an anchor, a rock that we can cling to regardless of life's storms.

As we navigate our daily lives, let’s hold fast to this truth. God's love is the summit we can always return to, providing a perspective of beauty, security, and direction. Embrace this love and let it transform how you live, giving you confidence and peace no matter the circumstances.

Reflection Questions

  1. How do you typically respond to life's pressures and hardships? Do they make you question God's love for you?
  2. Reflect on a time when you felt separated from God's love. How can Paul’s assurance in Romans 8:35-39 help you reframe that experience?
  3. What "because" do you tend to attach to God's love for you? How can you shift your mindset to fully embrace the unconditional nature of His love?