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April 14, 2024

Jay Felker


"The value of the gift says something about the heart of the Giver."

Reflecting on Romans 8:32, we are reminded of the profound truth that God has already given us the greatest gift imaginable—His own Son, Jesus Christ. This verse is a powerful argument against the scarcity mindset that many of us struggle with. Often, we feel we don’t have enough: not enough time, resources, skills, or even worth due to past mistakes. This mindset can hinder us from experiencing the abundant life God desires for us.

Consider the story of a woman whose husband surprised her with a restored Corvair, identical to the one she had cherished years ago. Imagine her joy and the flood of memories as she received this unexpected gift. But what if she had simply pocketed the keys and never driven the car? The gift’s true value and the joy it could bring would remain unrealized. This is often how we treat the life God offers us. We pocket the keys to a life of overcoming sin, experiencing His power, wisdom, and grace, and miss out on the fullness of the life He desires for us.

Paul’s message in Romans 8:32 is clear: if God did not spare His own Son but gave Him up for us, how will He not also graciously give us all things? This isn’t just about meeting our needs; it’s about understanding the depth of God’s love and His desire for us to live in His abundance. When we think we need more before we can live fully for God, we overlook the greatest gift we’ve already been given. We forget that God’s immense sacrifice shows His deep love for us and His commitment to providing what we truly need.

To live as though God’s gift of Jesus is enough, we need to embrace rest and generosity. Rest, because we trust that God will meet our needs, allowing us to step back and recharge without fear. Generosity, because understanding that God will provide frees us to give to others without holding back.

If you are in Christ, you already have everything you need. You have a God who values you so much that He paid the highest price to meet your greatest need. This truth can transform how you live each day, freeing you to experience the abundant life He promises.

Reflection Questions

  1. How does the truth that God did not spare His own Son for you change the way you view your daily needs and challenges?
  2. In what areas of your life are you holding back from experiencing God's abundance due to a scarcity mindset?
  3. How can you incorporate more rest and generosity into your life, trusting that God will provide for your needs?