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April 7, 2024

Chris Freeland


"What would change your life if 'Nobody and Nothing' was more than just the answer you'd give? What would change if you decided to live the answer you'd give?"

In our fast-paced, constantly connected world, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and unsure. We often find ourselves grappling with doubt, questioning our worth and purpose. This is where the timeless truths in Romans 8 come in, offering a beacon of hope and clarity.

Paul’s letter to the Romans culminates in five powerful questions, the first of which is found in Romans 8:31: "If God is for us, who can be against us?" At first glance, the answer seems obvious: "No one." Yet, the power of this question lies not just in the answer, but in living out that answer daily.

How often do we say we believe something, yet our lives tell a different story? We claim to trust God, but we live in fear of what the world throws at us. We declare that God is for us, but our actions show we’re still fighting battles on our own. This disconnect between our verbal affirmations and our lived experiences can rob us of the peace and confidence that faith is meant to bring.

Paul’s challenge is to bridge this gap. To move from merely saying “God is for us” to truly living as if we believe it. Imagine what would change if we fully embraced this truth. Perhaps we’d find the courage to forgive those who have hurt us, trusting that their power over us is nullified in the face of God’s sovereignty. We might step out in faith in areas we’ve held back, whether it’s sharing our faith, changing career paths, or committing to a cause close to our hearts.

Living the answer means acknowledging the enemies we face—be it societal pressures, internal struggles, or spiritual battles—but holding firm in the conviction that God’s power surpasses them all. The resurrection of Jesus is the ultimate proof of this power, demonstrating that even death has been conquered.

So, as we journey through life, let’s remind ourselves daily of this profound truth. God is for us. With Him on our side, the outcome is assured, no matter the challenges we encounter. Let’s live boldly, confidently, and fearlessly, reflecting the deep-seated belief that with God, we are more than conquerors.

Reflection Questions

  1. In what areas of your life do you struggle to live out the belief that "If God is for us, who can be against us?" How can you begin to bridge the gap between your professed faith and your daily actions?
  2. How have comparison, credentials, or circumstances influenced your perception of God's favor towards you? What steps can you take to anchor your confidence in God’s promises rather than these external factors?
  3. Consider a situation where fear or doubt has held you back. How might embracing the truth that God is for you change your response to this situation?