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Sep 12 - Nov 14

6:30 PM-8:45 PM

$70 early bird (pre-july 29) and $90 regular bird.

Mission of God is a 10-week class exploring the heart of God for His people all over the world. Each week, you’ll hear from passionate speakers from across the nation who are leaders in church-planting, bible translation, and cross-cultural missions. These speakers will teach us about how God’s mission is reflected through the entire bible, executed throughout church history, and carried out in the world today. God has given us a mission, and we are all invited to find our role in it.


Is childcare available ?

Unfortunately we will no longer be providing childcare.

Why participate?

Understanding what God’s plan for the world is helps us have a relationship with Him. Revelation 7:9, God says “After this I looked, and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and before the Lamb.” God commissions us to join in with Him in this future reality and is with us to the very end of the age in it. The Great Commission is not a call to do good works, rather an invitation to learn how to live with God in what He is already doing. This class hopes to bring to light what our role is in His plan – maybe sending, mobilizing, going, discipling, or giving. Speakers who have been called in different ways will give us insight into how to be obedient no matter where God is calling!

Who can attend Mission of God?

We want the church in Fort Worth to be unified in God’s vision for global missions. We desire people from all churches of any age to come.



8:05 am

Baptism is an external celebration of a change that has happened in you. When you connect with Christ, you have a new identity in Christ and you are forgiven from sin and its eternal results. The image of baptism connects you with the death and resurrection of Christ, and the water represents the “washing away” of your sins as you trusted Christ. In baptism, you have the opportunity to publicly express your commitment to Christ and share with others the change that He has brought about in your life. Ready to take that step? Use the Connection Card link and check "I want to get baptized."



Community Groups

Various Days

10:00 am

We were made to belong. We each have a longing and void that can only be filled when we experience community. In the New Testament we see the followers of Jesus living in close fellowship, generously sharing what they had, and eagerly serving one another. It was a beautiful picture of the community that God has designed for us to experience. We dream of a church where everyone can experience that kind of belonging, support and spiritual growth in community groups. We envision a time when there is a Community Group in every neighborhood in Fort Worth, so that every person in our city would live within walking distance of a group of people who love God, love each other, and love their neighbors. So whether you are interested in joining a group, or would be willing to host a group we would love to connect and help you find that place to belong here at Doxology.




Wednesdays (Starting Jan 10)

12:00 pm

Pray:Doxology is continuing during the summer! This is a great opportunity to jump in and pray with us. Pray:Doxology is a Mid-Week/Mid-Day prayer opportunity for our congregation in 2024. The heart behind Pray:Doxology is to provide an environment that is devoted to prayer, while being a good environment for a person to develop in prayer, as we contend for spiritual movement in our own hearts, awakening in our city, and revival in our world.



A Night of Worship & Prayer

October 27

5:00 pm

Join us for a night of worship and prayer! This is a unique opportunity for all of our Doxology Congregations (Southwest, Alliance & Español) to come together under one roof for a time of celebration and worship through song and for a time praying for our church, city and nation. Invite your family or friends, come with your Community Group - or just come alone. Either way, just come! This is an evening you won't want to miss.



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